Breast-Feeding After Breast Lift and Implants

Breast-Feeding After Breast Lift and Implants

Plastic Surgery, Breast Lift

Breastfeeding after a breast lift is not the same as breastfeeding without having had breast surgery, but it is a possibility. Breastfeeding is frequently still viable after breast surgery, depending on the type of procedure. Various types of breast surgery, on the other hand, have different impacts on the breasts and the lactation process.

Although most women can breastfeed following breast augmentation, it may be significantly more difficult to do so after a breast lift. If you intend to breastfeed following a breast lift, inform your plastic surgeon before the procedure, since the surgery may be modified in order to better maintain the lactation system. Book your appointment with a breast augmentation clinic in Gurgaon at Lamidas.

What Exactly Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that lifts and repositions the breasts without removing tissue, like a breast reduction does. As a result, the breasts are firmer, higher, and rounder. Breast augmentation, commonly known as implant placement, is frequently performed concurrently with a breast lift.

A surgeon will utilise one of two incision approaches during a breast lift. One technique, known as periareolar, involves going around the nipple. The other way is referred to as an inverted T or vertical scar. The method employed is usually determined by the existing location of the nipple as well as the intended outcome of the specific patient. Each procedure repositions the nipple without detaching it from the glandular tissue, which ensures the nerves and lactation system functionality remain intact. Breastfeeding is still possible after a breast lift because the lactation system is still in place.

Other breast procedures, such as a breast reduction, are more likely to result in the loss of lactation function, making nursing less likely to be possible after the treatment.

Considerations for Breastfeeding After a Breast Lift

Function Loss is a possibility

Breastfeeding after a breast lift is possible, however it may not be the same experience as breastfeeding before breast surgery. While most women may lactate to some extent, some function may be lost as a result of the surgery and the potential of severing a nerve or duct. You won’t know for sure until you try breastfeeding, but whether or not you have nipple feeling is a sign that you will be successful at nursing following breast lift.

Sensation of the Nipple

Because nipple sensitivity can take up to five years to return after breast surgery, it is occasionally advised to postpone parenthood until your mammary glands have fully recovered. If you breastfeed before your operation, you should be able to nurse again following a breast lift, however your milk output may be slightly reduced. It is important that you discuss your wish to breastfeed with your surgeon following any breast surgery so that your surgeon can take your preference into account and try to employ surgical approaches that have the least impact on the breastfeeding system.


Breastfeeding may be more challenging if you have both a breast lift and an augmentation because each surgery has the potential to cause damage. The duration of time between having your surgery and starting to breastfeed can also have an impact on nursing after a breast lift. Fortunately, you can supplement your breast milk with different feeding methods, providing you a variety of options to consider if you do not produce enough milk to completely breastfeed following breast lift surgery.

Appearance Modification

Breast form and appearance will vary as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breasts expand during pregnancy and then contract after nursing, leaving extra skin. If you’re thinking about getting a breast lift but plan on breastfeeding soon, you might want to wait until after this time has passed. This is also true if you intend to become pregnant more than once, as breast forms tend to change more dramatically in subsequent pregnancies.

Obtain More Information

There are numerous publications on this subject available to help you understand about your alternatives prior to the birth of your child. It is also beneficial to contact a breastfeeding professional, since it is frequently recommended that when breastfeeding after a breast lift, you begin from the beginning as if it is your first time, even if you have other children and have breastfed previously. A lactation consultant can advise you on how to enhance your milk production and supplement your supply with other techniques to ensure your baby is nourished and receiving the nutrients he or she requires to thrive.

What can a new mother who has had breast or nipple surgery do to boost breast milk production?

The key to improving breast milk production is to get as much milk out of the breast as possible in the first two weeks. There is no better pump than a well-latched, active infant. If more milk is taken from the breasts, they will produce more milk. The body determines how much breast milk is required during the first two to three weeks.

Other than breastfeeding, the most effective approach to eliminate milk in the first three days is for the mother to use manual expression. Once milk has been established, it can be withdrawn manually or by pumping. If the infant does not latch after each meal for the first 10 days after delivery, mothers should express or pump after each feeding or instead of a feeding.

Although breast emptying is beneficial in increasing milk supply, the baby at the breast is the most effective. Breast compression, relaxation techniques, and the use of herbal and pharmaceutical medications to enhance milk production are some of the other options (galactagogues).

Book your appointment with a breast augmentation clinic in Gurgaon at Lamidas.

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