skin and face / Acne


What Not To Do If You Have Acne?

Acne outbreaks are very common. According to some reports, about 85% of people between the ages 12 to 24 experience acne problems. However, acne can occur at any age, and you are not alone in dealing with it. For the best acne treatment in Gurgaon, consult us at La Midas!

  • La Midas Aesthetics
02 Jan 2022

Essential Guide To Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

In today’s era with everyone becoming more and more self-consciousness especially when it comes to their looks and the way they carry themselves, “Laser treatments for acne scars" has unsurprisingly become one of the most-searched terms on the internet in regards to beauty—and it makes sense as acne scars are very common.

  • La Midas Aesthetics
05 May 2021

7 Amazing Natural Remedies For Comedonal Acne

Comedones are small flesh-colored acne papules. They usually develop on the forehead and chin. You typically see these papules when you’re dealing with acne. Blackheads and whiteheads are the most common forms of comedonal acne. Blackheads have “open” comedones, while whiteheads have “closed” ones. Comedonals are usually inflammatory and may cause pain. However, there are natural treatment options to reduce and treat comedonal acne.

  • La Midas Aesthetics
30 Apr 2021
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