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Posted on Nov 12, 2021

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Posted on Nov 12, 2021

Lipo: The Most Demanded Cosmetic Procedure In India

Liposuction surgery, also known as lipoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess fat from various parts of the body. Its aim is to extract fat deposits from the body that diet and exercise are unable to remove. Liposuction has been on the rise, according to researchers, over the last five years. Liposuction was named one of the top five cosmetic surgical procedures by the Plastic Surgeons. Book your liposuction surgery in Gurgaon at Lamidas

What exactly is liposuction?

The goal of liposuction or lipo procedure is to change and improve the contour of the body. Fat cells are permanently removed, and overall body fat remains unchanged from before treatment. When a person gains weight, the size and volume of each fat cell increases. Liposuction decreases the number of fat cells in specific areas. This procedure is typically performed by a dermatologist surgeon on the hips, buttocks, back, belly, thighs, arms, or face. This cosmetic procedure is primarily used to reshape the body for a more attractive appearance.

Who is the ideal liposuction candidate?

It is true that all cosmetic surgeries carry some level of risk. To stay healthy, it is recommended that one try to lose weight through a controlled diet and exercise. Furthermore, liposuction surgery is not recommended for people who are overweight or obese. A good candidate for liposuction treatment, on the other hand, is someone who is:

Someone who does not smoke

  • A person who does not use tobacco or tobacco-related products.
  • A person who has a buildup of fat that does not respond to diet or exercise.
  • A person with good muscle tone and skin elasticity
  • A person with a positive attitude and specific body-improvement goals.
  • A healthy person who does not have a long-term or life-threatening illness or medical condition that could impede healing.
  • An adult who is 30 percent of his or her ideal weight and has firm and elastic skin

How is the surgery performed?

You may need to have some lab tests done before the surgery. Your doctor may request a medical history and physical examinations to determine whether your body is physically fit for surgery. A form must be signed in order to obtain your written consent for the procedure's potential risks and benefits. To prepare for the surgery, there are some things you should and shouldn't do:

  • To promote faster healing, avoid smoking.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications should be avoided because they can cause bleeding.
  • Stay hydrated to ensure a safe recovery.
  • Women may be asked to discontinue use of the contraceptive pill.
  • Iron supplements are required for anaemic patients.
  • In the case of lower-body epidural treatment, anaesthesia is injected around the spine, causing partial numbness in the abdomen and legs. Local anaesthesia is used to treat small areas.

After considering various factors, your doctor will use one of the following liposuction techniques:

Tumescent liposuction: This is the most common technique, in which several litres of saline water containing local anaesthesia and a vessel-constrictor are pumped beneath the skin area to be suctioned. Small tubes are used to extract the deposited fat.

Dry liposuction: No fluid is injected before the fat is removed in this technique. Because of the high risk of bleeding, this method is rarely used.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): Ultrasonic liposuction is a fat removal procedure that liquefies fat cells before they are removed. This is accomplished by directing ultrasonic waves at fat cells. Ultrasound is used to energise the cannula. The ultrasound vibrations break down the walls of fat cells, emulsifying the fat. Suctioning out liquid fat is easier. It works best in fibrous areas. Suction-assisted lipo is performed after UAL to remove liquefied fat.

Power-assisted liposuction (PAS): Powered liposuction is performed by moving a specialised cannula back and forth, allowing the surgeon to extract fat more easily. Small, rapid vibrations are used by the cannula to break down fat cells so that they can be suctioned out. It is a safe method that allows for a quicker recovery.

Laser-Assisted Lipolysis (LAL) is a type of laser-guided lipo in which a small tube is inserted through a small incision to deliver laser energy and heat to the fat beneath the skin. Laser-assisted lipo uses the power and technology associated with medical laser beams to liquefy fat so that it can be removed from the body.

The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers after the liposuction surgery in Gurgaon to relieve pain and inflammation. Support corsets or bandages are used to treat severe bruising in the targeted area.

What are the risks involved?

The main concern in any surgery is blood loss, as well as the risk of infection. The risks associated with the procedure are typically linked to the surgery's complexity. The following are some of the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery:

Ecchymosis: Ecchymosis is a condition characterised by severe blood loss or bleeding beneath the skin that can last for several weeks.

Inflammation: Swelling may persist for up to six months after surgery, and fluid may continue to ooze from the incisions.

Thrombophlebitis: As a side effect of surgery, blood clots can form in veins, causing inflammation and additional complications.

Contour irregularities: When the skin is less elastic, the wound heals in an unusual manner. In addition, if the fat removal is uneven, the skin may appear withered, wavy, or bumpy.

Infections: As a result of surgery, infections may occur. It may go away with proper medication, or it may require surgical treatment if severe.

Pulmonary embolism: During surgery, the accumulated fat may enter the blood vessels and travel to the lungs. This can be dangerous because it can impair pulmonary circulation.

Allergic reaction: Patients may be allergic to medications or surgical materials.

Skin burns: During the procedure, the movement of the cannula may cause friction burns to the nerves or skin.

Numbness: The affected area may become numb for a short period of time.

Problems with the kidneys or the heart: During the surgery, fluids are either injected or suctioned. Changes in the body's fluid levels may result in kidney or heart problems.

Is it possible to use liposuction to treat obesity?

You may have seen some pre and post-procedure advertisements that show an obese person transformed into a beach body. However, this is not the case. Liposuction  only removes subcutaneous fat and does not remove visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat that is deposited beneath the skin's epidermis layer. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is found inside the abdominal cavity and contributes to serious health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and so on.

Is liposuction a long-term way to lose weight?

Though liposuction is not a complete weight-loss method, it can permanently remove fat cells, giving the body a proper shape. The amount of fat that can be removed safely is limited. People who choose liposuction usually have a stable weight and want to remove excess fat from specific areas of their bodies. The surgery may also keep you from gaining any more weight. The surgery's results are usually long-lasting and improve one's appearance.



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